Wednesday, February 20, 2008

jaman's "Herringbone jacket"

my "cabled riding jacket"

mom's "wicked sweater"

3 sweaters

alright, maybe i am an over-achiever, or maybe a multi-tasker, I may possibly have OCD or what's the one when you can't focus on only one thing at a time, oh yeah...ADD. Whatever the diagnosis...I am working on 3 sweaters these right now. I was teaching a sweater class this winter and at the time I was making lots and lots of hats to sell in my friend John Bell's shop. As soon as the class was over, I decided to make a sweater. I was so excited about that idea that I found three that I wanted to make. one is for my mom. It's Wicked from

Then I decided to make one for me. it's the cabled riding jacket from Loop-d-loop. That one is really hard at the bodice section because you have to do so many different things on so many different rows, so I can only work on this one when I am alone and no one is talking to me.

then I got a deal on some nice rowan yarn, and it was the exact yarn that fit a pattern that jaman had shown some interest in so I had to start him one too. I didn't want the poor guy to feel left out and he needs a new hand-made sweater. it's called the herringbone jacket from the book knitting for him.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

palm springs knitting experiences...and more later.

finished the slippers, I already made a post and it didn't work so I am not going to put all the same stuff because I am tired. but the slippers are on their second round in the washing machine, i hope they work. I hope my dad and ruchmini like and wear them. by the way...palm springs is beautiful!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


My best friend Laura sent me this picture of the socks I made her that took almost 2 years to complete. I finished them about a year ago and now I have a picture. she has her boots on but they look super cool.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

no, it's not that I don't know how to post pictures...oh blah blah, it's just that i don't always have the stuff I need close at hand and crap like that.

see! I know how, it's just that I don't have the hook up from the camera to the computer or the pictures that are on Jaman's computer on this computer. big problems going on in the world. I am sure I will figure all of this out. but the big things that I want to talk about are the fact that there is a whole lot of knitting going on in my life these days. I have started the cabled riding jacket out of loop-d-loop and am almost at the bodice but after i finish the waist, i have to start on some obligatory projects like a mohawk hat this lady is purchasing from me for her grandson and some slippers for gifts that need to be done in a week, I can not disclose the names for whom the slippers will belong until a week from today. once I finish those things, I have to make a hat for my friend karin's boy friend who is very sweet and has been wonderful and supportive and fabulous to her and deserves a hat. I already got the yarn for it, i am thinking of the pattern in my head. Then I will go back to my beloved cabled riding jacket.