Sunday, December 02, 2007

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted. Part of the reason is that I don't know how to post pictures. Oh, could that little photo icon top right have something to do with it? I swear they didn't have that before and no one would help me. Guess I'll have to do it all by myself. Do you feel sorry for me yet? ... That wasn't so bad. This is a creative commons-licensed photo. I'll update soon with the photographer's name, etc.
This was just a test.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'm back


I am back. I just need to get the picture thing going. I now live in Arkansas and manage a yarn shop called the Handworks Gallery. I just found out that I passed my Arkansas state board for massage exam and will now be lisenced in Arkansas! yahoo, now I can knit, massage and farm! My three favorite things. Everything is looking up these days.

Lately I am working on about a million projects. We have a group knitting project that I am working on some squares for. I am almost done with that. I am almost done with a sweater back. The half dollar cardigan from the new interweave Knits. I finished one entrelac sock and on to the next. what else...I am knitting a blanket for a woman who hurt her hands knitting it, she is paying me. I am looking forward to getting these obligitory knits done so I can get on with my own creative stuff. Seems like I am always saying that. More later, Heather