Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'm back


I am back. I just need to get the picture thing going. I now live in Arkansas and manage a yarn shop called the Handworks Gallery. I just found out that I passed my Arkansas state board for massage exam and will now be lisenced in Arkansas! yahoo, now I can knit, massage and farm! My three favorite things. Everything is looking up these days.

Lately I am working on about a million projects. We have a group knitting project that I am working on some squares for. I am almost done with that. I am almost done with a sweater back. The half dollar cardigan from the new interweave Knits. I finished one entrelac sock and on to the next. what else...I am knitting a blanket for a woman who hurt her hands knitting it, she is paying me. I am looking forward to getting these obligitory knits done so I can get on with my own creative stuff. Seems like I am always saying that. More later, Heather

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Are you there? I'm going to try to email you too. Miss you!